// Top projects

Insurance Claims Dashboard

4 commits
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Next.js admin dashboard SPA

Tailwind Css and React components

Next.js App Router with Typescript

Server and Client components

This project was made just for fun using a design available on dribbble.com. I simply converted the design to a working Next.js app.

Express.js App

41 commits
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Node.js example with Express.js framework

3 branches and docker ready

Database integration

Authentication with username and password

A basic API example created with Express.js, a Node.js framework, to demonstrate how APIs work. Morgan package is used for logging all the rquests in access.log file. This example is docker ready if it needs to be containerized.

Pagination Example

4 commits
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React Pagination Component

2 components and 2 css Files

React, Vite, Typescript

A simple example to demonstrate how to create pagination for a blog or tables in an app. This example is created using React and Vite framework. There are only two components and two css files.